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  LANAP™ can make a huge difference in a patient's view of themselves.  Many have lost hope that they could ever be healthy again  They are looking to you for the answer- LANAP™

What's your definition of conservative?

Here are two choices-

First - Don't subject the patient to treatment too early, its not that bad yet, we can hold off a while.

Second - Treat it early, and in a patient friendly way, so that it is that much less likely to get to an advanced stage.

I prefer the second choice, but LANAP™ can help both.

Here are some indications for LANAP™

Bleeding on Probing

Attachment loss (5+mm pockets)

Smoker (hopefully former)

Radiographic / Clinical Bone loss

Diabetic or other autoimmune issues

Family History of Periodontal Disease and tooth loss

Blood thinners (the laser can coagulate the blood even with them present)

Mobilities noted on teeth

Patient wants to do what they can do to prevent tooth loss


Obviously no individual item in this list would make them a candidate, but most combinations would.

What LANAP™ won't do

Create soft tissue from nothing

Act as a magic wand, making up for a lack of home care and regular dental visits post-op

Promise no need to ever retreat in the future (though at 5 years, 90% or more are still stable and doing fine compared to traditional surgery that results in ~95% needing re-treatment at 5 years)


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